Memorial Day Weekend served up some sunny weather and helped whet our appetites for the Summer of '10. Our weekend consisted of some long stroller and Bjorn rides through Brentwood, lots of Tummy Time (where we practiced some new physical therapy techniques), and Jay and Karen finally doing some cooking in their cramped little kitchen. We also spent some time figuring out what Karen needs as she starts back at the Willows on Tuesday. Looks like we'll have a pretty busy morning routine.
Lucas has been grabbing everything in sight these days, including his brand new toy that Mommy bought him at Right Start:
He also enjoys laying in bed in the mornings, but certainly doesn't like "sleeping in."
Bonus photo of the week: Lucas and Karen watching Mommy and Me Movie of the Week, "Shrek" at the Grove.
Bonus Photo of the Week #2: Jay with Lucas in the Baby Bjorn.