So, THANK YOU Dr. Lazareff (neurosurgeon), Dr. Zionts (orthopedic surgeon), Dr. Singer (urologist) and Drs. Krohn and Sachs (pediatricians).
This is Dr. Krohn. Who would have believed our good friends Evan and Rachel would end up with him as a pediatrician for Malia, too?
What can we say about Dr. Zionts? He was there for the casting and he performed the tenotomy. We spent more hours in his office than we care to remember. Through it all, though, Dr. Zionts always made us feel calm and welcome.
Meet Dr. Singer, our urologist. These were some of our tougher appointments, but Dr. Singer always delivered the news honestly and delicately.
Here's Dr. Sachs, our first pediatrician. He's been in the game almost as long as Karen and I have been alive. It was fun to see all of his "old school" methods.
All of these doctors have left some big shoes to fill for their counterparts in the Twin Cities. THANKS!
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