The Dean family is on SPRING BREAK! We started off our staycation(no busy aiports, luggage fees, time zone changes, or family) with a bang! Here are some highlights so far:
Sam visited Lucas and Phoebe in the babyroom at the Willows on Friday, the last day before break...what a treat!
Jay and Karen took down the calendar to plan different events throughout the vacation. We're trying to make the most of our last months in Southern California and scheduling ONE event a day so we can capitalize on our dwindling days.
Saturday: We're so proud of Jay for running the Aguora Hills half marathon in 1 hour and 56 minutes!

Saturday Afternoon: Jay was still mobile in the later afternoon, so we decided to take the family to the park. Lucas was making new friends with every kid who joined him on the swings.

Sunday: Options are limited in Los Angeles when it rains, so naturally our outing for the day took place at Target! Lucas picked out his first Sesame Street Elmo toothbrush and practiced after lunch.
Sunday Afternoon: The only other logical rainy day activity is watching March Madness at the bar.

Besides learning how to brush his own teeth, Lucas has also successfully, without resistance, dropped to one nap a day and gotten rid of his morning and afternoon bottles. We never thought we'd be able to get our kid to nap without a bottle...What a CHAMP!
Tomorrow Karen travels with Dara to lounge poolside at a resort in Palm Springs. It is her first night away from Lucas...very well deserved! They'll read trashy magazines, talk for hours, eat good food, drink cocktails by the pool and hit the outlets. Jay and Lucas plan to have some quality time together and go to the library for storytime. Or maybe they'll just hang out together. Lucas has a favorite new play spot...
He's under the coffee table if you can't tell!
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