Sunday, February 28, 2010

On Our Own (Yikes!)

So, here we are...just the three of us. Exciting, but a little bit scary. After 5 glorious weeks of Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Jack assistance (we learned from the best, really), Karen and I get to be parents on our own. It was nice to have no appointments and no visitors this weekend as we acclimated to life as parents without nearby family support. All in all, it was a successful first weekend. We can do this!

Here are some recent pictures for our patient blog followers:

Again, Jack and Bonnie, THANK YOU for being here. You have no idea how much it meant to us for you be here during these first few weeks. Lucas misses you so much already!


  1. You CAN do this! And you'll be fantastic for sure :) You two are extremely well equipped for this big task of parenting! I can't wait to hear more about your life as three. Love from us!

  2. Oh, and I love the shot in the bathroom! So classic. Every moment is a Kodak moment wherever baby is... And the look Lucas has just says, "You people are crazy." I wonder if all babies think that of us doting adults!
